165+ Popular Japanese Names Meaning Moon – Tsuki

Japanese Names Meaning Moon: Japanese culture is rich in symbolism and meaning, and this is particularly evident in their naming conventions. Among the various themes that inspire Japanese names, celestial bodies hold a special place, and the moon, with its mystique and beauty, has a significant influence.

In this article, we delve into the captivating world of Japanese names that evoke the moon’s splendor, exploring their meanings.

Also See – List of 230+ Names End with Son 

165+ Popular Japanese Names Meaning Moon - Tsuki for Boy & Girl

Japanese Names Meaning Moon

Here are some Japanese names with the meaning moon:

  1. Yuzuki (夢月): Yuzuki combines “yume” (dream) and “tsuki” (moon), creating a name that translates to “dreaming of the moon” or “moonlit dream.”
  2. Tsukinami (月並): This name means “moonlight” or “like the moon,” emphasizing the moon’s radiance.
  3. Raiden (雷電): Raiden translates to “thunder and lightning,” but “rai” (thunder) can also be interpreted as “moonlight” in poetic contexts.
  4. Ginjiro (銀次郎): “Gin” means “silver,” and “jiro” is a common ending for boys’ names. Together, it could be interpreted as “silver moon.”
  5. Mikazuki (三日月): Mikazuki means “crescent moon” and is often associated with the elegant shape of the moon.
  6. Harushika (春鹿): This name combines “haru” (spring) and “shika” (deer) and can be interpreted as “spring moonlight.”
  7. Ayumu (歩夢): Ayumu means “walking dream” or “dreaming while walking under the moonlight.”
  8. Komorebi (木漏れ日): While typically associated with sunlight filtering through leaves, “komorebi” can also be used poetically to mean “moonlight filtering through trees.”
  9. Hoshitsuki (星月): “Hoshi” means “star,” and “tsuki” means “moon.” Together, it forms a name that signifies both celestial bodies.
  10. Tsukuyomi (月読): Tsukuyomi is the name of the Japanese moon god in Shinto mythology, making it a unique and meaningful choice.
  11. Yozora (夜空): Yozora means “night sky,” encompassing the moon’s presence during nighttime.
  12. Amaterasu (天照): While primarily associated with the sun goddess, “Amaterasu” can also be interpreted as “heavenly illuminating the moon.”
  13. Mangetsu (満月): Mangetsu means “full moon,” symbolizing the moon at its brightest.
  14. Hakutaku (白澤): “Haku” means “white,” and “taku” can mean “moon.” This name could signify the “white moon.”
  15. Kaguya (輝夜): Kaguya is a reference to Princess Kaguya from the Japanese folktale “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter,” who was said to be a celestial being associated with the moon.

Here’s a table of 30+ popular Japanese names meaning “moon,” including their gender, meaning, and a brief description:

TsukikoFemale“Child of the moon”A delicate and feminine name.
TsukiUnisex“Moon”A simple and timeless choice.
AkariFemale“Light of the moon”A name that signifies the moon’s radiance.
KaguyaFemale“Shining night”A name inspired by the moon’s brilliance.
HarukiUnisex“Spring moon”A name reflecting the moon in springtime.
MichiruFemale“Full moon”A name evoking the brightness of a full moon.
AyakoFemale“Child of the moon”A classic name that connects to the moon.
AkihikoMale“Bright moon”A masculine name signifying lunar brightness.
MizukiUnisex“Beautiful moon”A name that captures the beauty of the moon.
RenUnisex“Water lily”A unisex name with a connection to the moon.
TerukoFemale“Shining moon”A name that highlights the moon’s glow.
HarukiUnisex“Shining brightly”A name that radiates like the moon’s light.
AkihiroMale“Bright autumn moon”A name connecting to the moon in autumn.
ChikakoFemale“Child of the moon”A traditional name with lunar associations.
MasaruMale“Victorious moon”A strong and masculine name related to the moon.
TakaraFemale“Treasure”A name that suggests the moon’s value.
MeiFemale“Bud, sprout, moon”A name with a poetic connection to the moon.
HikariUnisex“Light, radiance”A versatile name with a luminous quality.
YuzukiUnisex“Full moon in April”A name associated with the full moon in April.
MinatoUnisex“Harbor, port”A name linked to the moon’s reflection on water.
TsukasaUnisex“Shining brightly”A name symbolizing the moon’s brilliance.
MidoriFemale“Green, moon”A name that combines nature and the moon.
YuukiUnisex“Happiness, moon”A name conveying happiness and moonlight.
KozueFemale“Tree branches, moon”A name suggesting the moon through nature.
MichikoFemale“Beautiful moon child”A name reflecting the beauty of the moon.
RenUnisex“Love, lotus, moon”A versatile name with multiple meanings.
SoraUnisex“Sky”A name that signifies the moon in the night sky.
TsukasaUnisex“Harmony, moon”A name that evokes a harmonious lunar connection.
AmiFemale“Friend, beautiful”A name with a friendly and lovely essence.
HikaruUnisex“Shining, radiant”A name that captures the moon’s radiance.
SayakaFemale“Clear moon”A name associated with a clear and bright moon.

These popular Japanese names meaning “moon” celebrate the celestial beauty and radiance of the moon, making them a wonderful choice for those who appreciate its mystical significance.

Moon-Related Japanese Names

Here are some baby-friendly Japanese names inspired by the moon:

  1. Tsuki (月):
    • Simple, Elegant Moon
  2. Kokoro (心月):
    • Meaning: Moon in Heart
  3. Aimi (愛美):
    • Meaning: Beautiful Love
  4. Mizuki (水月):
    • Meaning: Moonlight on Water
  5. Haruka (遥月):
    • Meaning: Distant Moonlight
  6. Akari (明り):
    • Meaning: Gentle Moonlight
  7. Miyuki (美夢):
    • Meaning: Beautiful Dream
  8. Yumeko (夢子):
    • Meaning: Child of Dreams
  9. Sora (宙):
    • Meaning: Moon in Sky
  10. Rin (凛):
    • Meaning: Serene Dignity
  11. Nozomi (望):
    • Meaning: Hopeful Gaze
  12. Takara (宝月):
    • Meaning: Precious Moon Treasure
  13. Mikari (美狩):
    • Meaning: Beautiful Moon Hunter
  14. Hikari (光):
    • Meaning: Radiant Moonlight
  15. Miyako (都):
    • Meaning: Moonlit Cityscape

Female or Girls Japanese Names Meaning Moon

Here are female or girls’ Japanese names with meanings related to the moon in alphabetical order:

  1. Akiyuki (秋月): Autumn Moon
  2. Haruko (春子): Spring Child
  3. Hoshiko (星子): Star Child
  4. Kazuki (和月): Peaceful Moon
  5. Kokoro (心月): Moon in the Heart
  6. Mangetsu (満月): Full Moon
  7. Mikazuki (三日月): Crescent Moon
  8. Mirei (美麗): Beautiful Moon
  9. Mizuki (水月): Water Moon
  10. Mitsuki (美月): Beautiful Moon
  11. Nozomi (望): Hope
  12. Rin (凛): Dignified
  13. Satsuki (皐月): May Moon
  14. Tsukasa (司): Moon Authority
  15. Tsukiko (月子): Moon Child
  16. Yozora (夜空): Night Sky
  17. Yua (夢亜): Dreaming of Asia
  18. Yui (夢衣): Dream Robe
  19. Yuki (夢紀): Dream Record
  20. Yumeko (夢子): Dream Child
  21. Yumika (夢佳): Dream Beauty
  22. Yumiko (夢子): Dream Child
  23. Yura (夢羅): Dream Silk
  24. Yuzuki (夢月): Dreaming of the Moon
  25. Yuzuru (譲): Offer

Male or Boys Japanese Names Meaning Moon

Here are some Moon-themed Japanese baby names:

AkihikoAutumn Prince
AkioAutumn Man
HarukiSpring Tree
KoukiHopeful Light
MikazukiCrescent Moon
RaidenThunder and Lightning
TakashiFilial Piety
TsukasaMoon Authority
TsukikoMoon Child
YasuoPeaceful Man
YosukeOcean Aid
YoshioGood Man
YuaDreaming of Asia
YudaiBrave and Big
YukiDream Record
YukioHappy Man
YusukeAbundant Help

Japanese Last Names Meaning Moon

In Japanese surnames, it’s less common to find names that directly mean “moon” as compared to given names. However, some Japanese surnames may contain elements or characters related to celestial bodies, including the moon. Here are a few Japanese surnames that may have lunar connotations:

  1. Tsukino (月野): The character “tsuki” (月) in this surname means “moon,” and “no” (野) means “field” or “area.” This surname could be translated as “moon field” or “field of the moon.”
  2. Mizukami (水上): The character “mizu” (水) means “water,” and “kami” (上) means “above” or “upper.” While it doesn’t directly mean “moon,” it can evoke the image of moonlight reflecting on water.
  3. Mangetsu (満月): Similar to the given name “Mangetsu,” this surname directly means “full moon.”
  4. Kougetsu (皇月): The character “kou” (皇) means “emperor,” and “getsu” (月) means “moon.” This surname could be translated as “emperor’s moon” or “moon of the emperor.”
  5. Yozora (夜空): The characters “yo” (夜) mean “night,” and “sora” (空) mean “sky.” While it doesn’t directly mean “moon,” it refers to the nighttime sky where the moon is often seen.
  6. Tsukiyama (月山): This surname combines “moon” (月) and “mountain” (山), suggesting a connection to a place with a moonlit mountain.
  7. Tsukahara (月原): This surname combines “moon” (月) and “field” (原), potentially indicating a moonlit field or open area.
  8. Tsukamoto (月本): This surname includes the character for “moon” (月) and “base” or “origin” (本), which might be interpreted as “origin of the moon” or “moon’s source.”
  9. Tsukioka (月岡): This surname contains “moon” (月) and “hill” or “ridge” (岡), suggesting a moonlit hill or ridge.

Popular Japanese Moon Names

In Japanese culture, names inspired by the moon are not only beautiful but also hold deep significance. Here are some popular Japanese names with moon-related meanings:

  1. Tsukiko (月子): Moonchild
  2. Haruko (春子): Spring
  3. Mizuki (水月): Watermoon
  4. Yuzuki (夢月): Dream
  5. Mitsuki (美月): Beauty
  6. Tsukasa (司): Authority
  7. Yoru (夜): Night
  8. Sora (宙): Sky
  9. Mikazuki (三日月): Crescent
  10. Mangetsu (満月): Fullmoon
  11. Tsukiko (月胡): Moonchild
  12. Hoshiko (星子): Star
  13. Akihiko (秋彦): Autumn
  14. Komorebi (木漏れ日): Sunlight Filtering Through Trees
  15. Kokoro (心): Heart
  16. Yumeko (夢子): Dream
  17. Rin (凛): Dignity
  18. Nozomi (望): Hope
  19. Hikari (光): Light
  20. Yua (夢亜): Dream
  21. Yuzuru (譲): Offer
  22. Kotone (琴音): Harp Sound
  23. Yumika (夢佳): Dream
  24. Mirei (美麗): Beautiful
  25. Kazuki (和月): Peaceful Moon

Traditional Names with tsuki (moon) in Japanese

Many traditional Japanese names incorporate “tsuki” (moon) as part of their meanings or pronunciation. Here are some traditional Japanese names with “tsuki”:

  1. Harutsuki (春月): This name combines “haru” (spring) and “tsuki” (moon), symbolizing the moon in the spring season.
  2. Natsuki (夏月): “Natsuki” combines “natsu” (summer) with “tsuki” (moon), representing the moon during the summer months.
  3. Akitsuki (秋月): “Akitsuki” combines “aki” (autumn) with “tsuki” (moon), signifying the moon in the autumn season.
  4. Fumitsuki (文月): “Fumitsuki” means “month of writing” and is used traditionally to refer to the tenth month of the lunar calendar, which corresponds to October.
  5. Kazutsuki (数月): This name means “several months” and can be a reference to the changing phases of the moon.
  6. Yamatsuki (夜月): “Yamatsuki” means “night moon,” highlighting the moon’s presence during nighttime.
  7. Tsukiko (月子): A classic name that simply means “moon child.”
  8. Tsukiko (月子): This name means “moon child” and is a traditional name that has been used for generations.
  9. Mitsuki (美月): “Mitsuki” combines “mi” (beautiful) and “tsuki” (moon), creating a traditional name that signifies a beautiful moon.
  10. Tsukasa (司): This name means “moon authority” and is a traditional name with a sense of honor and responsibility.
  11. Mizuki (水月): “Mizuki” combines “mizu” (water) and “tsuki” (moon), creating a traditional name that symbolizes moonlight reflected on water.
  12. Mangetsu (満月): “Mangetsu” means “full moon” and is a traditional name that represents the moon at its brightest.

What is the significance of names with “tsuki” (moon) in Japanese culture?

Names with “tsuki” are significant in Japanese culture as they symbolize the beauty, mystery, and elegance of the moon. The moon is a prominent motif in Japanese art, literature, and folklore, making moon-related names culturally rich and meaningful.

Are there traditional Japanese names with “tsuki” that have been passed down through generations?

Yes, there are traditional Japanese names like Tsukiko, Mitsuki, Tsukasa, Mizuki, and Mangetsu that have been used for generations and continue to be popular choices for children.

Do these names have gender-specific meanings, or can they be used for both boys and girls?

Many of these names, such as Tsukiko, Mitsuki, and Mangetsu, can be used for both boys and girls. The gender association often depends on other characters in the name or personal preference.

What other celestial names or symbols are commonly used in Japanese names?

In addition to “tsuki” (moon), other celestial names and symbols used in Japanese names include “hoshi” (star), “kaze” (wind), and “sora” (sky). These elements often carry unique meanings and associations in names.

Can you provide examples of traditional Japanese Names Meaning Moon for boys?

Traditional Japanese names with “tsuki” for boys include “Tsukasa” (moon authority), “Mitsuru” (fulfill), and “Mangetsu” (full moon).

Can you provide examples of traditional Japanese Names Meaning Moon for girls?

Traditional Japanese names with “tsuki” for girls include “Tsukiko” (moon child), “Mitsuki” (beautiful moon), and “Mizuki” (water moon).

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